Archived Messages

Dr. Ewa Kurek: October 11, 12, 13
... opposing and exposing examples of bigotry ...

21 marca 2013 zmarl Zdzislaw Zakrzewski, wspanialy czlowiek.
Wielu darzylo Go gleboka sympatia i podziwem.
Trudno dobrac wlasciwe slowa podsumowujace Jego wyjatkowa Osobowosc.
Powyzszy link przypomina niektore wydarzenia z Jego zycia.
Inne informacje na temat zycia Pana Zdzislawa:
Kosciuszkochair/.../in-memoriam, takze

Katastrofa Smolenska: W Trzecia Rocznice
Prelekcja 26 marca, 2013, godz. 7:30 pm oferuje przewiezienie osob ze stacji Bart North Concord/Martinez
przed i po spotkaniu - aby zamowic bezplatny transport nalezy zadzwonic (650) 302-3577.

Youth Cultural Program Summer 2013

Summer for youth in Poland - letter from organizers
Please make your decision by March 1, 2013 - [details]
[more details]

PAC-NCD Annual Meeting - March, 2013
Sunday March 3, 2013, time 12:30 p.m.

Short information   Meeting details   Dues reminder

PAC-NCD Letter1   PAC-NCD Letter2

NOTE: Dues increase

Quarterly meeting Sunday December 2, 2012, time 1:30 p.m.

November 11, 2012 - Polish Independence Day celebration

Polish American Congress invites everyone to join Polish community San Francisco celebrations of the Polish Independence Day. The celebrations are being held in Polish. Catholic Holy Mass will start the celebrations at 11 a.m. At 12 noon Polish scouts will present a short artistic program in the parish hall followed by Polish reception featuring delicious home made Polish food.
Location: 240 Fell Street, San Francisco.
Serdecznie zapraszamy cala Polonie,
Zarzad Kongresu Polonii Amerykanskiej, wydzialu polnocnej Kalifornii.

Po Festivalu:
Serdecznie dziekujemy wszystkim za udzial w corocznym Festiwalu 2012 w Golden Gate Park. Organizowanym przez Polish American Congress - NCD
Bylo fajnie, wesolo i tak - polsko ........
Serdeczne dzieki
Bernadette Wrona


"2-Polski Festiwal w Martinez", 6/16/2012:
Zarzad "KPA Polnocnej Kalifornii" informuje o aktywnym uczestnictwie KPA w Festiwalu, korzystajac z uprzednio zarezerwowanego stanowiska, w godzinach 8:00 rano do 5:00 po poludniu.
Ochotnicy do wspolpracy bardzo mile widziani.
Kontakt: Bernardette Wrona, 510 886-1290
Szczegoly na stronie []

A message from PAC-NCD President:
The next Quarterly Meeting for PAC-NCD will be on June 3, 2012
[Meeting 06/03 details]

Polish American Congress, Northern California Division cordially invites everyone to enjoy Polish music and colorful dancing at our annual Polish Concert at the Music Concourse at the Golden Gate Park.

PAC Northern California Division Advisory
RE: February 28, 2012, San Francisco SHOAH lecture: [2012-02-25-Shoah] (PDF format)  

TWO FLAGS memo - please read the above "Advisory" first: [Flags] (PDF format)  

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year:
Wishes from the Board of PAC Northern California Division.
Message from the President: [PDF Format]   [JPG Image]

09/29/2011 East Bay Polish American Association message:
Potrzeba pomocy mlodemu Polakowi ... [Szukam pracy]

05/13/2011 Visa Waiver Program ALERT:
Please sign the related [PETITION]

April 2011 APPEAL TO POLONIA ... about the VisaWaiver for Poland
Read more details (html)
or Sample Letter (.doc) of support.

January 2011 A gravely sick child needs help [read more details]

11/14/2009 Visa Waiver Program:
... Visa Waiver Status Petition, addressed to the California State Legislature ...

07/15/2010 Sponsorowanie pomocy dla harcerzy w Kazachstanie

Polish American Congress, Northern California Division
informuje o spektaklu teatralnym
w 30-ta Rocznice wprowadzenia w Polsce stanu wojennego

Sobota, 10 grudnia 2011 o godz. 19.00
East Bay Polish-American Association, 909 Mellus Street, Martinez, CA

30 lat temu, 13 XII 1981 roku wprowadzono Stan Wojenny w Polsce. Dotknal on w rownym stopniu wszystkich Polakow. Spektakl Zatoki Poezji, wyrezyserowany przez Andrzeja Korewickiego, jest wspomnieniem tamtych chwili. Akcja przenosic sie bedzie z weselnego przyjecia do rozmow ZOMO- wcow oraz ulicznych spiewow i drukowania ulotek. Bedzie mozna zobaczyc wiezienna cele i posluchac wspomnien uczestnikow wydarzen tamtych dni. Dzieci i mlodziez zaproszeni sa szczegolnie goraco, aby mogly poznac czesto nieznane chwile poczatkow upadania socjalizmu w Polsce. Przedstawienie zostalo oparte na wspomnieniach dzialaczy Solidarnosci i uczestnikow tamtych wydarzen, obecnie mieszkajacych w Polnocnej Kalifornii.
Spektakl zostal przygotowany przez tworcow Zatoki Poezji.

Wszelkie informacje i rezerwacja biletow u p. Iwony Urbaniak --

Polish American Congress Northern California Division Invites you to attend our meeting Sunday, November 20 - 12:30 p.m. at East Bay Polish American Association 909 Mellus Street, Martinez, CA Non-members of the Polish American Congress are welcome to attend our meetings to see the many projects we have achieved and are working on for Polonia.
Information: (650) 302-3577

PAC Festival 2011 : [ read more details ]
[Message from President of PAC-Northern California]

Polish Parliamentary Elections / Wybory do Sejmu :
[Wyniki wyborow - Zagranica] [Wyniki wyborow - Polska]
[Message from President of PAC-Northern California]

May 2011 Information regarding passport applications in SAN FRANCISCO, May 17&18 2011
Read more details (docx)
or [losangeleskg]

No more appointments available, please check back periodically for the date of next consular meeting in San Francisco Bay Area.

09/26/2010 September 26: Polish Festival at County Fair Building[PDF version],
formerly Hall of Flowers at Golden Gate Park
[text version]
    Volunteers needed ... [please help us]
... the Entertainment Program Schedule ...

February 2011 Last PAC Northern California Division "Elections Meeting"
On March 27, 2011. Location: The Hall of the Church of the Nativity
240 Fell St., San Francisco, California.
Read more details ...

December 2010 Sign the petition to stop "Polish death camps"
[read more details]

May 2010 Polish Relief Fund [read more details]
For The Victims of the Recent Flood in Poland
The donation is tax deductible and 100% of the
money will be given for the Flood Relief cause.

Year 2010: "The Year of Siberia Exiles"... More [related information] ...

July 4 2010 Presidential Elections in Poland, round II
Elected President: Mr. Bronislaw Komorowski

05/02/2010 Polish Festival at County Fair Building:
Celebration of 3rd of May Constitution at Golden Gate Park
Please read the related [Press Release] and [Media Relations] texts.

Interested in participating as a sponsor? Please read the [Festival_Ad_Campaign].

04/10/2010Catastrophe at Smolensk: Polish government elite dead in an airplane crash:
see [selected links]

03/21/2010 PAC General Meeting:
... March 21, 2010, in the Hall of the Church of the Nativity, 240 Fell St., San Francisco ...
- 02/28/2010
Poloniada-2010: ... deadline February 28, 2010 ...
08/05/2009 Minister Radoslaw Sikorski: A chance to meet him in San Francisco ...
08/02/2009 A Commemoration of the Warsaw Uprising: Following the 11AM Mass at 240 Fell Street San Francisco ...

Last modified: September 16, 2011